>From: Travis Bemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 01:48:44PM -0400, Mikus 29 wrote:
> > >From: "Mark J. Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > >How can you maintain equality in a system where goods and services are
> > >freely given without some means of keeping track of how many goods and
> > >services each person has received?
> >
> > Who says there must be equality?  That leads to socialistic 
>Can you THINK outside of your Libertarian/"anarcho"capitalist box for
>a second?!  Anarchism (not that "anarcho"capitalism shit, which really
>isn't anarchism) is socialist, but does not use government (socialism
>is worker control of the means of production, not necessarily the
>welfare state).

     Since my comment may have been interpretted in a manner other than 
intended, I can see past your comment.  I'm NOT an anarch-o-(anything)ist, 
nor a Libertarian, although I play one on TV.

     I questioned the idea that there must be equality, generally, in 
anything.  If I work harder at accomplishing a goal I set for myself than 
another person, whether it be for wealth accumulation, or sexual 
satisfaction, it is my business, and equality in its accumulation is 
irrelevent and moot.  When people seek equality, in anything, that gives 
rise to "welfare" systems, prejudice, intolerance, and just plain old 
ignorance to the life outside of that paradigms "victim" complex.

     Socialism, communism, democracies... all ways to control, and force 
equality on those who fight to break out of the conformity of the resultant 
mediocrity.  I DON'T WANT to be equal.  I want to rid the world of equality, 
although I don't see much hope in accomplishing that.  I want every person 
born to have to struggle and fight to establish their plot of land, and use 
their minds to deal with the other humans they come into contact with.  I 
want all people, who wish to have more than their neighbors, either in piles 
of money, or piles of respect, to have to WORK to earn it.  As soon as 
someone resorts to a gender equality law, or checks a box as being a 
"minority" in order to gain an advantage, or even garner favorable 
attention, is first, lessening themselves in their own eyes, and second, 
using their own brand of "power" to get what they want, although they did 
not earn it.

     I am NOT a Libertarian, because they still advocate a "Government", 
although smaller, and less intrusive than what you see today.  I am not an 
anarcgist, because they SEEM to all be confused about what it is they want 
to force on people while saying there should be no government,(and/or 
capitalism) at all...  seems odd to me that anarchism, which means 
"self-rule", would be capable of "forcing" any conditions on anyone.  I say 
the world is already prefectly anarchistic in nature, but some people just 
don't realize they are living under local oppressors of their perfect 
freedom already.  If enough people were aware and conscious of their own 
mortality, and freedom, they wouldn't be controllable by the governments 
they claim to be oppressed by.

     When someone claims to be enslaved by their government, they are really 
enslaved by their own minds because they are afraid to be the first to try 
something to escape that "enslavement", since no one else is doing it.  If 
you wait for everyone else to do it, you'll never see it come to pass.  When 
someone claims that as a "true anarchist", all capitalism must be destroyed, 
they are glossing over the fact that some people WANT to have a simple way 
to exchange value for value, in the form of money, and hard currencies.  
Because one person decides to trade time for money, and another decides to 
pay people for their time, to amass wealth in the profits of the products 
the "employees" create in the time they trade, does not indicate anyone 
being a victim of anything, nor anyone deserving of anything more than what 
they agreed to when they sighed up for the trading of wealth creation.

     Anyway, I kinda responded to a few messages in this current thread, 
which, if I'm not mistaken, was hashed out recently already, maybe 6 months 
ago, in much the same way.  Let's not get to the point of listing all the 
anarcho-xxx-ist crap again, please...

     Don't forget, words don't have meanings, people have menaings for 
words.  Oh, shit, I just know someones gonna wanna jump all over that bit...

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