Yes, I received your previous emails.

I have studied the documentation, and the overlap is negligible.

I too have invested years of effort into my design.

My software patents are to deal with Microsoft, not to screw over the world.
The open source community has helped to create Microsoft, they take your
work, and add it to their own. Clearly violating the GNU license. And they
don't even respond in kind.

Screw 'em, I've learned my lesson, my design is new and unique, so I'm
patenting it. So I can help enforce a global standard. Otherwise NFS and AFS
will be enhanced with MY unique features, and I'll get jack shit out all the
effort I've spent. I've WATCHED it happen to others, and I'll be damn if its
going to happen to me.

I'm sorry that you wont call me Ian, e-mail only accomplishes so much.
At this point, I will wait for the freenet community to contact me, after
I've published the design.

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Ian Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, May 13, 2001 3:01 PM
To:     Josh
Subject:        Re: I've designed a global file system, it will obsolete NFS,
Gnutella, etc. I want to be assimilated by freenet!

 << File: ATT00013.dat >> Josh,

I have already sent you two emails - haven't you received them?

> I'm in a bit of a catch-22, in that I don't want to give the design out,
> unless I feel you're open to merging forces.

I therefore suggest you study the Freenet documentation so that you can
determine specifically where there is overlap.

> I believe we have the same goals, but different methods of getting there.
> Before I disclose the design, I simply need to know if you're open to
> developing a new network file system standard, the byproducts of which
> be the accomplishment of the same goals as freenet, but a whole lot more.

Of course I am happy to improve Freenet, but until I see details of your
design I have no idea whether there is an opportunity.  You should know
that Freenet is the result of years of effort, and so while we are open
to new ideas, we are also very sceptical until we can see details.

Additionally, you should know that if your work is to be assimilated
into Freenet, you will not be able to enforce your patents.  As I am
sure you are aware, the Open Source community is not a big fan of
software patents.


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