On Thu, 17 May 2001 19:19:47 -0400 Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Aaron P Ingebrigtsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I personaly would really like some kind of Windows Explorer 
> extension for
> > freenet that makes windows think that freenet is some kind of CD-R 
> drive
> > or something, you know, write once, read only media.
> That would be useful.  Now, get the Windows kernel source code and 
> write
> up a nice little FreenetFS driver.  Why don't you ask Billy Gates 
> for the
> source?  I've heard he's a really nice guy, and he's sure to lend 
> you a
> hand.

Hey, I keep telling everyone I'm not much of a programmer.  Why does
everyone always throw my program suggestions in my face and tell ME to
write it myself?!  What do we have progammers for in the first place if
not to create the tools that users want?!  I'm a user aren't I?  So why
should any of my suggestions for tools be totaly rediculous just because
I can't write them myself?

Ok, so it would be difficult to do since Microsoft is such a crapper, but
so what?!  Freenet obviosly has a windows interface programmed for it, so
how did that come to exist dispite all the crap built into windows and
spewed by Microsoft?!

All I'm saying is do something similar to X-drive, which puts a special
kind of device driver into the system that fools stupid windows into
thinking it is actualy looking at a drive.  My freaking digital camera
does the same thing!!!  My Kodak camera has this little "System Folder"
in "My Computer" which makes it look like I'm looking at a drive, when I
am really looking at the memory card inside my camera.  How can they DO
that when Microsoft is such a crapper and windows is full of so much crap
that writing anything at all for windows is nearly impossible?!!!

I guess we will never know how such miracles can occur since they are
beyond the capacity for mere mortals to understand.
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