Aaron P Ingebrigtsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> On Fri, 11 May 2001 19:40:46 -0400 Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:

> > *Why*?  That's what your public key ring is for!

> But my keyring isn't public

You misunderstand.  Your "public key ring" is a file that contains the
public keys of everyone you care about (including yourself).  It's not
a "public (key ring)" -- rather, it's a "(public key) ring". ;-)

> > (Not to mention 
> > the
> > public key servers....)

> nor is it updated from a central
> location to which all freenet chat users add thier public keys. 

There are public key servers which server keys to everyone -- this is
not a Freenet-specific service.

Michael Pedersen and I wrote an introductory cryptography HOWTO document
last year.  It never received very wide publicity, and it's far from
comprehensive.  Also, Michael (who was hosting the CVS depot as well as
the primary mirror of the web page) seems to have vanished -- or at least
his site is not responding.

I have a mirror of it at <http://wooledge.org/~greg/crypto/>.  It covers
public key servers, as well as many other issues that might be of interest
to the novice.  (And I'm not that much beyond the "novice" stage myself!)

> Anyway, for some reason I can't add attached signatures to my
> keyring.  Only keys that are inline, like when I sign my messages. 
> In otherwords, Juno has no PGP plugin support so I have to use the
> clipboard for encrypting and decrypting messages, and unless the
> signature is part of the message text it won't work.  ARGH!

Sorry, I don't know Juno (or Windows MUAs in general).  Michael wrote
up instructions for Outlook Express and Juno, but I don't think they
cover PGP/MIME, only the old-fashioned "inline signatures" that you're
used to.

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
http://wooledge.org/~greg/     |

PGP signature

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