On Tuesday 31 July 2001 08:56 am, you wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, philipp wrote:
> > Of course it is a problem, when children receive porn vids instead of
> > britney spears songs.... And of course it is a problem, if children
> > are able to see sex&violence at the TV. But come on, guys, we all know
> > the solution to this kind of problems isnīt called "V-Chip" or any law
> > that forbids the usage of P2P apps. We need PARENTS who actually
> > deserve this term = parents who take care of their kids. A V-Chip
> > canīt do this. Laws neither.

> Check your premises. *Why* is it a problem for kids to have access to
> porn?

 Because porn promotes sexual desire. Kids have more than enough of
that without us giving them pornography. What parent out there can come
up with a good reason to give their kid access to porn?

> How do you know our society wouldn't be better off if everybody grew
> up watching porn instead of horror movies? 

 I don't know about you, but I want to have sex when I when I see porno.
I have never had the desire to go out and kill when watching a horror movie.
Sure, there are whacko kids who will be more inclined to kill after watching
horror movies, but they are psychologically disturbed and they will kill 
anyways. Kids who watch porno aren't abnormal in feeling sexual desire.

>Why do assume parents should  "protect" their children from sex?

 Because sex can be dangerous and result in a painful death. If adults don't
control themselves by taking basic precautions against STDs, why should we
expect a 12 year old to? There are sexual diseases that can't be prevented
by condoms (genital warts) and can't be cured. Teach your kid about that.

 That is why parents should protect their children from sex. That's why
virtually every country has laws protecting children from sex.

 I think kids have enough trouble concentrating on what they should be doing
(school, growing up) without having free access to porn.

 And please don't suggest we bombard kids with porn and then tell them
"Don't do that till you are old enough."

 No, I don't think sex or porn is 'bad', or that we should have V-chips or 
other filtering. It is a parents responsibility to monitor what their kids 
are doing. 

p2p != child-endangerment
Lazy stupid parents = child-endangerment

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