On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 01:29:19 -0600 "Michael D. Carey"
> Forgive me if someone has already suggested this.
> I notice Freenet has problems with large files.  Freenet
> should limit the size of individual files uploaded to under
> 1M.  Freenet clients would be required to post large files
> in multiple parts...  like Usenet...  Data disassembly and
> reassembly will be handled by the client...  Be it the
> client built into freenet.jar or a "third party" client.
> Wouldn't this take resolve many of the problems with large
> files...?  Also, it seems <1M packets of data would be
> transferred more reliably across many nodes than one large
> one...?

Yes, finaly someone else who thinks Freenet should do file
splitting/recombining for faster data transfers and stuff.

1) Limiting the file size and splitting/recombinging increases the
efficeincy and speed of the network
2) It would allow users to resume a very large download, thus you
wouldn't need a Dedicated T3 connection or something in order to use
3) Users could theoreticaly resume very large uploads too, by splitting
the file and sending the segments from last to first before inserting the
single redirect file that tells a node how to retrieve and recombine all
of the segments.

FTP and HTTP sites use this technique to make file downloads faster and
easier for users, Email uses MIME and UUE encoded segments to transport
large files over limited email systems which limit message sizes to only
500k.  Why can't someone do this on Freenet?  If it is to be implemented
at all, it should be implemented in the Freenet client, not a third party
client, unless you want to create a new kind of key that only the
thirdparty client can insert or retrieve properly.

Also a random HTL system would be a good idea, so that no matter what HTL
a user puts into a request or insert, it will always come up random on
whatever node it gets to.  This should apply for maximum AND minimum HTL
numbers, so that HTL 1 and HTL 2 don't always work. :)
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