> >     Title I -- Security System Standards
> > 
> >     Sec. 101: Prohibition of Certain Devices
> > 
> >       (a) In General -- It is unlawful to manufacture, import,
> > offer to
> >       the public, provide or otherwise traffic in any
> > interactive digital
> >       device that does not include and utilize certified
> > security
> >       technologies that adhere to the security system standards
> > adopted
> >       under section 104.
> > 
> >       (b) Exception -- Subsection (a) does not apply to the
> > offer for
> >       sale or provision of, or other trafficking in, any
> > previously-owned
> >       interactive digital device, if such device was legally
> > manufactured
> >       or imported, and sold, prior to the effective date of
> > regulations
> >       adopted under section 104 and not subsequently modified in
> >       violation of subsection (a) or 103(a).

Note that exception.  Start hoarding old equiptment NOW.  If you need lots of 
computing power, AMD chips of <1 GHz are really, REALLY cheep right now.


> >     Penalties summarized (by Declan):
> > 
> >     Criminal penalties apply to violations of sec. 102 or
> > 103(a)(2). That
> >     includes the "interactive computer service shall store and
> > transmit"
> >     without removal section, and the distribute "any copyrighted
> > material
> >     or other protected content where the security measure
> > associated with
> >     a certified security technology has been removed or
> > altered."
> > 
> >     The criminal penalties are: "(1) shall be fined not more
> > than $500,000
> >     or imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both, for the
> > first
> >     offense; and (2) shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or
> > imprisoned
> >     for not more than 10 years, or both, for any subsequent
> > offense." Only
> >     someone who violates the law "willfully and for purposes of
> > commercial
> >     advantage or private financial gain" can be convicted.

Notice "willfuly AND for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain".  
Emphisis on "AND".  If you create software that breaks these schemes, don't make money 
off of it and they can't touch you.  People using that software should also not make 
money off the fact that they broke a copy protection scheme.  IANAL, as always.

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