"Mr. Smith" wrote:

> Now if the hypothetical government monitoring could
> actually help catch terrorists then I'd be in more of
> a moral quandry.  While the famous saying "He who
> trades freedom for safety deserved neither" comes to
> mind, lack of privacy isn't necessarily lack of
> freedom.  I would probably still object just on the
> principle (I don't believe the government has any
> business poking into my business), I don't really want
> terrorists to be able to kill 5000 people in a fell swoop.

The suspects all had a frigging nothing on their crminal histories. There
was no chance ever to find anything on them before this one thing.

You also can't jail or otherhow sort out people who like planes and
flying, own flight simulator programs, books about flying, and travel to
an airport for plane spotting, or maybe making a flight themselves -
there's millions who do that. All you'll find from tracking all
communications about flight simulators and air travel is all these
people, all of them perfectly law-abyding.

But there was a way how even the single-cell brained CIA could have had
human access to the Taliban and to bin Laden : Massood, dead since
yesterday leader of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance (and as much as I can
tell from documentation, politically moderate and about as Muslim as
Clinton is Christian), has a secret service running that know and do
their dan job, and bloody well so - or they wouldn't manage to exist
against a Taliban that's been financed 43 million $ from the
 US three
months ago to combat opium growing (at the expense of the local farmers
finally starving to death) and holds 90% of the country, for many years
already, and after doing same with ten years occupation by the Soviet
Union's largest army of the world with an endless supply the biggest
tanks and combat helicopters.

Had they asked, they'd have gotten the hints they need out of that place.
Or out of Massood's back channels in the former Soviet republic of
Tadjikistan. But nooo, doing economic spying against Western Europe and
Japan via satellite tapping is so much more rewarding.

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