does this weakness actualy affect GPG (also useing ElGamal)

and can someone tell me, why my one signature is sometimes good, and sometimes
bad when i send signed mails to myself?
(useing mutt.  got bad signature when i just used ,,sign'', when i 
called ,,sign as'' before, and chosed my own key (my public one??  strange),
i got a good signature.  i will try again)

jeah, and why does GPG say ,,gpg: this cipher algorithm is depreciated; please
use a more standard one!'' when i use ElGamal to encrypt (what else can i

Scott Miller (Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 11:48:23AM -0700):
> ElGamal, the current P/K encryption in .4 has some weaknesses with
> chosen-ciphertext attacks that make breaking ElGamal easier than
> breaking the underlying discrete logarithm problem.
> For that reason I've written a replacement algorithm, DLES, described in
> the paper "DHAES: An Encryption Scheme Based on the Diffie-Hellman
> Problem", (1998) by Abdalla, Bellare, Rogaway.  
> The algorithm has about the same performance as ElGamal (2 modexps for
> encrypt, 1 to decrypt), but provides much stronger security guarantees.
> In addition, the algorithm involves a keyed message authentication code,
> for which we'll be using HMAC.  The mac lets Bob know if the encrypted
> quantity will actually decrypt to valid data and not gibberish.  For
> this reason, we would be able to eliminate the 0x00000000 we encrypt at
> the beginning of a restart request, which would eliminate a possible
> partial known-plaintext attack.  
> Comments?
>       Scott
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