Yeh - I know you've heard them all, but here's a few more...

n: Real Programmers don't write documentation. The code *is* the

n+1: Real Programmers use short identifier names. If it was hard to write,
it should be hard to understand.

n+2: Real Programmers only write in Java because they're pushed into it.
They'd actually prefer to write directly in java bytecode, but they
compromise and write source because everyone else is such a wimp.

n+3: Real Programmers don't like GUIs. GUIs are for windoze wimps and have
no place on Real Computers.

n+4: Real Programmers don't use GUI web browsers like netscape or mozilla
(see n+3 above).

n+5: Real Programmers don't use curses-based browsers like links. curses is
a sell-out to windoze weenies.

n+6: Real programmers don't use pathetic editors like vi or emacs. They use
cat (or, if they're mentally tired, ed).

n+7: Real Programmers don't believe in browsers at all. They telnet into
port 80, key in the headers, and read the raw html that comes back. That's
quite enough. With pictures, they know all the picture formats, and can see
the picture from looking at the od dump.

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