Michael wrote:

> I can't stand Java. It runs slowly on most my machines, is a pain to
> install (compared to other langs I use), is more painful than most
> languages to develop (steps it takes to write code and then test it), and
> byte code is a stupid method of transfering code over the Net (Orange
> Juice's method was better).

Shameless plug: http://www.amigadev.net . Fast Java, and other tricks for the
aspiring "better than" researcher.

> > n+7: Real Programmers don't believe in browsers at all. They telnet into
> > port 80, key in the headers, and read the raw html that comes back. That's
> > quite enough. With pictures, they know all the picture formats, and can see
> > the picture from looking at the od dump.
> I do that a lot too but then I program a lot of spider programs and
> such. I use wget to dump the pictures which I sort into groups and try to
> repost to FreeNet. ;>

'nother shameless: http://www.rebol.com (200k "if wget were cool" scripting
language, _all_ platforms).

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