I never subscribed to your list.  You got took if you paid for my address. 
Please move to Paris, Frances immediately.

> [Original Message]
> From: ana ribeiro dos santos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: chat freenet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 3/13/2003 4:39:34 AM
> Subject: [freenet-chat] FW: Please help with a Global Vigil for Peace
> ----------
> From: "Wes Boyd, MoveOn.org" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 12 Mar 2003 22:30:36 -0000
> To: "ana ribeiro dos santos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Please help with a Global Vigil for Peace
> Dear MoveOn supporters around the world,
> Please visit http://www.globalvigil.org and plan a candlelight vigil
> for peace in your area on Sunday, March 16 at 7 pm.  MoveOn.org and
> the Win Without War coalition, together with Archbishop Desmond Tutu
> and many faith-based organizations, are calling this vigil, and we
> need your help.
> Beginning in New Zealand, this will be a rolling wave of candlelight
> gatherings that will quickly cross the globe.  It's up to you to make
> this happen.  Today we are asking individuals, like you, to organize
> a vigil in each community.  We're hoping that thousands of small
> groups around the world will be inspired to come together and
> stand for peace.
> For more information about how to make this happen in your community
> and to join with millions of others around the globe, go to
>    http://www.globalvigil.org
> It's time for the world to come together in this moment of darkness
> and rekindle the light of reason -- and of hope.  It's time to renew
> our commitment to building a positive world for our children.
> With your help, we will see the first candlelight vigil to sweep
> around the globe on the evening of March 16th.  Together, we will
> lead the nations of the world away from an unnecessary war and
> toward a peaceful and prosperous future.
> This is a key moment in history.  Be a part of it.  Go to:
>    http://www.globalvigil.org
> Thank you,
> -Wes Boyd, MoveOn.org
>  Tom Andrews, Win Without War
>  Tuesday March 11, 2003
> P.S.  You can make your local vigil as small or as big as you wish.
> The important thing is to act now and to add your efforts to the
> efforts of thousands of others around the world.  Whether you plan
> a gathering with just your closest friends, or organize an event
> for thousands, you will be making a difference.  Register your
> event on our web site above.
> Immediately afterward, please report your vigil to our web site
> or to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with digital photographs if possible.
> If you know how, please crop and resize your photos to approximately
> 200h x 150v pixels and send them in .jpg format.  Please include
> the city, location and country of your vigil.  We will compile the
> reports and photos for the media.
> P.P.S. Yesterday, we delivered to the 15 United Nations Security
> Council members anti-war comments from one million people around
> the world, gathered last week in just five days.  180 boxes of
> your petitions were delivered, which drew extensive media attention.
> It now appears that the Bush administration's resolution on Iraq will
> fail to garner Security Council support, and world public opinion has
> been a key part of this.  Thank you!
> ________________
> This is a message from MoveOn.org. To remove yourself (ana ribeiro dos
> santos)
> from this list, please visit our subscription management page at:
> http://moveon.org/s?i=1147-2357315-k.p4f_dMkA0YudzoUpsGfQ
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