Since Zenon thought your reply was worth his
attention, I'll reply as well.
--- Zenon Panoussis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Matthew Findley wrote:
> > "A lot of dangerous things that have utility are
> permitted to be used, 
> > like guns, cars, fire ... bricks."
> > Yep just like freenet which is legel.
> > Until you shoot someone, run someone down, set
> something on fire, throw 
> > a brick at someone.
> > You avoided the question, why do you think you
> should be able to get 
> > away with helping spread illegal matterials?

I'll enumerate my position to make things simple for

1) Freenet is legal to use and I have no knowledge
what is passing through my node.  My ignorance is not
willful because I do not have the expertise or the
equipment to pierce the technical safeguards built
into Freenet.

2) I have already stated that I do not believe that KP
is being transmitted by the users of Freenet.  I
believe that Freenet users are responsible, law
abiding people.

3) Assuming you could provide me with links to illegal
content you personally verified, its my position that
such illegal content is posted by entities hostile to
the goals of Freenet.  In hacker parlance this is
known as social engineering.

4) I have a right to use anonymizing software to
protect my free speech on the internet.  I also assert
my right to do whatever I wish as long as it's legal
and meets my personal moral standards.  This right is
protected by the 9th amendment!

5) Your assessment that I am somehow breaking the law
by abetting some unspecified crime committed by some
unspecified person, legally means nothing.  Also, you
have no credibility with me as it pertains to your
legal expertise judging by your posts to this list.

6) If the legislators thought they could convict
people for using anonymizing network software they
wouldn't bother trying to pass the induce act.

7) It's common knowledge that dangerous goods and
services are permitted by the law if they have enough
utility.  For instance, although thousands of people
are killed in cars every year, the government will not
outlaw the use of private vehicles and force everyone
to use public transportation.  Or how about
cigarettes?  They continue to be legal to sell even
though it is well established that no amount of
smoking is safe.  And handguns of course, who's
intended purpose as stated by the manufacturers, is to
shoot human beings.  Some of these shootings are
lawful (like shooting an intruder in your home) but
many are not.  This concept of utility allowing the
use of something dangerous (like a handgun) is so

8) Guess what?  Law abiding people need anonymity too.
 If you doubt it, you can ask your doctor, lawyer,
psychiatrist, priest and spouse!

9) Just because you say something doesn't make it

10) Are not!

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