--- ZeZenonaPanoussisfrfreenetrovocation.net> wrote:

> Yes, Mr Findley, your looping repetitions are very
> convincing.
> I have read them again and I am convinced, you are
> absolutely
> right. Now, will you please tell me why you are a
> clerk and
> not a prosecutor? I mean, I have four years of law
> school
> behind me and six of practicing law, yet I stand
> corrected by
> you. Shouldn't you be promoted? Would you like me to
> write a
> letter of recommendation to your boss?
> Z
To help demonstrate how ludicrous Mr. Findley's
position is, consider this scenario.  Imagine there is
a crack house on a street and opposite to the house
are apartment blocks.  The drug dealers are committing
their crimes in full view of these apartments because
the residents do not report the illegal activity they
can see from their windows.  Failing to report a crime
is a crime. It's practically a certainty that
someone(s) from the apartments witnessed the crimes
taking place outside the crack house.  According to
Mr. Findley's logic EVERYONE who had a view to those
illegal activities is a criminal!  While it's obvious
that one or more (or even MOST) of the residents in
those apapartments did witness a crime and didn't
report it and so broke the law, Mr. Findley would have
everyone thrown in jail in order to punish the
perpetrators.  Or perhaps Mr. Findley would decree
windows are illegal since they make it possible for
someone to witness a crime and not report it.

> -- 
> FrFramtidenrärosomn bababianrövfäfärggranncochull av
> skit.
>                                       Arne AnAnka>
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