On Mon, 2004-08-09 at 08:35, Matthew Findley wrote:
> I'm pretty lazy with the spell check.  If it says something is wrong I
> normally just hit correct it with out looking at in too much detail.
> I assume you can still understand what I'm trying to say even with the
> occasionally wrong word.

But you are rude with people that decide to use their time
 to read your mail. Just read what you wrote before sending it.

Never heard of the word "netiquette" ?


> Michael Kuijn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > I hate to pick on people because of their spelling, but Mr. Findley,
> are you 
> > really an american? You make spelling errors I (a sixteen year old
> Dutch kid) 
> > would never make ('smith and weston', 'convection'). So... are you?
> > 

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