--- "Edward J. Huff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Others argue that by pretending that we can't censor
> our nodes, we avoid
> responsibility for failing to do so.  Well, I regard
> copyright
> infringement (by an individual in the privacy of his
> home) as a civil
> matter and will not attempt to censor infringing
> content and will go to
> trial if necessary.  
> But permitting KP to be distributed without making a
> reasonable effort
> to prevent it may be a criminal matter, and it is
> beside the point of
> freenet, IMHO, and not worth going to trial over. 
> So I point out how to
> censor the easily accessible KP from your node.  I
> also argue that the
> law enforcement people who run freenet nodes ought
> to publish lists of
> KP CHKs that deserve censorship.
>- snip -<
Is there any legal means to verify thoses lists?  If
it becomes common practice for nodes to censor their
stores based on lists provided by the police or
government then Freenet will have failed.  It won't
exactly be free any more, will it?  What will happen
then is everyone will just move over to i2p. 
Eventually it's going to come down to wether you have
a right to communicate on the 'net without government
oversight or not (ie you can use encryption).  If
there are any legal avenues to communicate anonymously
then they will be exploited.

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