On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 18:19, Nick Tarleton wrote:
> While it may be paranoid, I didn't want to risk it AT ALL (in case I accidentally 
> gave myself away, or some exploit was found in Freenet) because I KNOW that I cannot 
> POSSIBLY defend myself from OR settle a major lawsuit.

Most countries have legal aid to defend those who can't afford a
high-priced lawyer - to prevent rich corporations from suing the poor
into oblivion.

Remember that, despite corporate efforts to convince everyone that they
are guilty until proven innocent, the opposite is actually still law in
most countries. 

Every new endeavour is worth pursuing. If you don't pursue your dreams
because it might upset somebody, somewhere, at some point in the future,
then you might as well lay down and let life pass you by. Millions of
people went to war and gave their lives to preserve those freedoms -
don't let their efforts be in vain.


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