On Friday 27 August 2004 02:42 pm, Kevin Steen wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 18:19, Nick Tarleton wrote:
> > While it may be paranoid, I didn't want to risk it AT ALL (in case I
> > accidentally gave myself away, or some exploit was found in Freenet)
> > because I KNOW that I cannot POSSIBLY defend myself from OR settle a
> > major lawsuit.
> Most countries have legal aid to defend those who can't afford a
> high-priced lawyer - to prevent rich corporations from suing the poor
> into oblivion.
I never thought of that. Still, I have reasons not to get sued (involving the 
words "minor" and "parents" and "kill me"). And I might not win.
> Remember that, despite corporate efforts to convince everyone that they
> are guilty until proven innocent, the opposite is actually still law in
> most countries.
I know, but one still has to defend oneself.
> Every new endeavour is worth pursuing. If you don't pursue your dreams
> because it might upset somebody, somewhere, at some point in the future,
> then you might as well lay down and let life pass you by. Millions of
> people went to war and gave their lives to preserve those freedoms -
> don't let their efforts be in vain.
A rousing speech, and something I'll try to take to heart. I'm not being 

But having seen http://www.eff.org/cgi/tiny?urlID=235, I think I may just try 
this. Does anyone know more about this and what it would mean for a Freenet 
client developer?

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