Matthew Toseland wrote:

On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 10:33:03AM -0700, Tom Kaitchuck wrote:
Matthew Toseland wrote:
Well, if the invaders start censoring stuff posted by the minority, the
expected result is that the minority would sever links with the
invaders - as a normal part of an upheld complaint, because the minority
would oppose the motion.

And go where? It is a darknet, they don't know each other personally, how can they connect? (especially given that they know they shouldn't trust most people.)

Ummm, they'd still have their own connections, which make up a
contiguous darknet built from knowing each other personally. What's the
Suppose 5% of people want to talk about something 50% find it offencive and 45% don't care? Odds are not every person in that 5% is connected to everyone else in that 5% without going through someone in the 50%! And even if they can through those in the 45%, this clearly implies the network cannot split. So how will routing work for each of these three groups?
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