>From: Timm Murray <hardburn at runbox.com>
>Reply-To: chat at freenetproject.org
>To: chat at freenetproject.org
>CC: mikeeusa at caethaver2.ath.cx
>Subject: [freenet-chat] Re: [freenet-devl] Important! IAN IS A TERRORIST!!!
>Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 23:28:14 -0500
>Hash: SHA1
>You remind me of mjr, but without the intelligence.  Are you, by any 
>chance, a
>perl script?

I agree, this guy is one screwed up nut job.  He thinks the Christians 
invented math!!  HA!!!  Freak!  I'd like to knock some sense into him, but, 
I doubt any sense would actualy stay in that brain full of holes.

MJR can be a real artist when it comes to flameing. :)

And he has much better spelling.

This guy, mikeeusa, needs to be locked up.  It's crazies like who really 
cause all the trouble in the world.  Always blowing people up, getting 
people riled up and fighting each other for no good reason.  Pppppt.

I think that if his target were African Americans he would probably join up 
with the KKK.  That is, if he isn't already a member.  Freaking moron with 
violent tendencies, probably.

Did you know that the KKK claims to be a Christian Church?  Puh-LEASE!!  
OMG, save us!!!  If the KKK isn't a terrorist organization, I don't know 
what the heck is!!

I wonder if he is on the Chat list too?  If so, I've just insulted him to 
his face, so to speak.

Obviously anyone who disagrees with him in any way is a terrorist, or so he 
thinks.  This kind of thinking is one of the main reasons terrorism exists 
in the first place.


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