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You remind me of mjr, but without the intelligence.  Are you, by any chance, a 
perl script?

On Tuesday 23 April 2002 20:34, mikeeusa at caethaver2.ath.cx wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Scott G. Miller wrote:
> No problem :)
> > Thanks Mike.  Your ineptitude and arrogance has brightened my day!
> >
> >     Scott
> >
> > On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 11:30:08PM -0400, mikeeusa at caethaver2.ath.cx 
> > > Obvously a communist plot:
> > >   <mikeeusa> sanity: terrorism!!!!!
> > >   <mikeeusa> w0000
> > >   <mikeeusa> freenet == terrorism!!!
> > >   <sanity> mikeeusa: don't make me ban you again
> > >   <BCoates> It's like having our own little george bush
> > >   <mikeeusa> unamerikan!!!
> > >   <sanity> mikeeusa: do you know any 10 year olds?
> > >   <mikeeusa> sanity: what am I doing wrong? Do you dislike cyber
> > >   TERRORISM!!!! or something?
> > >   <sanity> mikeeusa: i am hoping they could give you tips on growing up
> > >   <mikeeusa> of course I know 10 yr olds! Im a PEDOPHILE!!!
> > >   <mikeeusa> oops did i say that?
> > >   <sanity> i mean, getting kicked from every channel must get boring
> > > after a while?
> > >   <sanity> ...yet you have been doing it for months
> > >   <mikeeusa> cough hypocrate cough
> > >   <mikeeusa> cough i spelt it wrong cough
> > >   <mikeeusa> i think?
> > >   <sanity> i would expect nothing less that you
> > >   <mikeeusa> did i
> > >   * thelema is happily missing half this conversation, having /ignore
> > >   mikeeusa all
> > >   <J-DoeAWAY> hypocrite
> > >   <mikeeusa> hrm
> > >   <sanity> clever
> > >   <mikeeusa> pff
> > >   <sanity> oh yeah
> > >   --- You have been kicked from #freenet by sanity
> > > (Notice >sanity< == freedome fighter)
> > > (       *sanity* == terrorist!      )
> > >
> > >   >sanity< wtf
> > >   >sanity< hypocrate
> > >
> > >   *sanity* don't say you weren't warned
> > >
> > >   >sanity< You support free speach but are anti free thought
> > >
> > >   *sanity* no, i am anti-irritating prick
> > >   *sanity* you can think whatever you want
> > >
> > >   >sanity< But i cant speak it?
> > >   >sanity< hrmm
> > >   >sanity< Oh well guess ill have to bust out my shellz!!
> > >   >sanity< And why nod DoS every fnet node I can find while im at it
> > >
> > > (Here the good citizen contomplates saving the world from red
> > > terrorism)
> > >
> > >   >sanity< not like it'll matter as they dont work anyway
> > >
> > > (But, sadly, backs down)
> > >
> > >   >sanity< I must remember its not the networks fault that it was
> > >   > concived
> > >
> > >   by an eleet java artisht that codes for shit
> > >
> > >   >sanity< Seirously why do I encourage my friends to run your broken
> > >
> > >   network?
> > >   *sanity* please don't - just go away
> > >
> > >   >sanity< Oh so your making your personal feelings superceede the
> > >   > wellbeing
> > >
> > >   of the network?
> > >   *sanity* you should really invest in a dictionary
> > > (like REAL ameicans havetime for a dictionary, Ian shows his true
> > > colors...)
> > >   *sanity* ...and a life
> > > (A weakly masked treat of bio-war made by IAN [if that is his/her real
> > > name!])
> > >
> > >   >sanity< Why, I know what all the words mean
> > >   >sanity< I have a life
> > >   >sanity< perl
> > >
> > >   *sanity* it is all clear now
> > >
> > >   >sanity< I would expect that comment from you
> > >
> > >   *sanity* why don't you reimplement freenet in perl then?  you are more
> > >   than welcome to
> > >
> > >   >sanity< Because its protocall sucks
> > >   >sanity< Why would I reimplement brokenness?
> > >
> > > (READS: "Why would i support terror?")
> > >
> > >   >sanity< A redesign would be in order
> > >
> > > ("Terrorism is bad")
> > >   *sanity* what specifically would you change?
> > > (Alludes to his "super genuious" mentality, which all terrorist
> > > flaunt!)
> > >
> > >   >sanity< Why do I continue to devote 1/2 my bandwith to your network
> > >   >sanity< Much of the stuff you broke
> > >
> > >   *sanity* you seem to devote most of your bandwidth to uttering
> > > childish comments to people who aren't interested
> > > (Shows how terrorist think all non-terrorist activities are "childish")
> > >   *sanity* do you honestly expect a positive reaction?
> > > (Weak mask for "I am going to nuke Seven major american cities for the
> > > sake of ALLAH" (Allah means "father" in the real true american
> > > language, this is just a sick terrorist perversion of the great word))
> > >   *sanity* you need to understand - YOU AREN'T FUNNY - you are just
> > > annoying ("IAN" is really saying "I am going to kill you and rape your
> > > first born" which is terrorist lexion for "I'm giong to kill you" in
> > > american)
> > >
> > >   >sanity< now that is an utterly foolish remark, text on IRC dosent
> > >   > take up
> > >
> > >   much bw
> > >
> > >   >sanity< I assumed you knew that though
> > >
> > >   *sanity* there you go again
> > >
> > >   >sanity< mabe that is why the network is staggering
> > >   >sanity< "you seem to devote most of your bandwidth to uttering
> > >   > childish
> > >
> > >   comments to people who aren't interested"
> > >
> > >   >sanity< my remark is valid
> > >
> > >   *sanity* haven't you heard of hyperbole?
> > >
> > >   >sanity< Yep, in math
> > >
> > > (Math == good, american and Christian)
> > >   *sanity* I know it is a big word for you, but look it up -
> > >   http://www.dictionary.com/
> > > (Communist plot to subdue and enslave the mind...)
> > >
> > >   >sanity< :P
> > >   >sanity< hrm yaknow what they say about assume
> > >   >sanity< don't you?
> > >
> > > (Here the freedom fighter makes refrence to "IAN"'s intellegence to try
> > > to soften him up and uncover the evil terrorist plot of pure malice,
> > > greed, corruption and unammericanism!)
> > >
> > >   >sanity< well I would assume that an inteligent young man, such as
> > >   > your
> > >
> > >   self, would know what they say about assume
> > >
> > >   >sanity< but mabe your kod1ng skillz are a reflection of intelectual
> > >
> > >   ability
> > >
> > >   >sanity< Might you agree with this proposition?
> > >   >sanity< cough gag hypocrate cough
> > >
> > > (The freedom fighter is overpowered by the communist mind controll
> > > rays)
> > >
> > >   >sanity< mmmmm communism (smiles in a contented and blissfull state)
> > >   >sanity< wait... I see whats going on... smart mother fucker you are
> > >   >sanity< you SABOTAGED freenet from the start!!!!
> > >   >sanity< knowing full well that communist freedom lovers would flock
> > >   > to it sanity< oh SURE you alow it to work a little bit, buts thats
> > >   > just so you
> > >
> > >   can get us freedom activists to "trust" you
> > >
> > >   >sanity< Following bush's ameriKan plot (you knew he was getting
> > >   > elected
> > >
> > >   as the election was FIXED!) you round up us freedome lovers and...
> > > and... (Pure jibbberish! Ignore this insane rant!)
> > >
> > >   >sanity< accuse us of TERRORISM!!!!
> > >   >sanity< (we all know bush and his enron kronies plotted to take the
> > >
> > >   towers down)
> > >
> > >   >sanity< we all get sent to CUBA and die just INCHES from the freedomE
> > >   > of
> > >
> > >   COMMUNISM!!!
> > > (Shield your eyes, your childrens future as good Christians are at
> > > stake)
> > >
> > >   >sanity< and you sip a jakita while being waxed by some hot hooker in
> > >   > you
> > >
> > >
> > >   >sanity< you piece of shit muther fucking bastard
> > >
> > > (The freedom fighter partially recoveres to his sences)
> > >
> > >   >sanity< you deserver to DIEEEEE!!!!!! by the kanta!!!!!
> > >
> > > (And then passes out... how sad :-(  )
> > >
> > > EOF
> > > EOF
> > > EOF!!!!
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
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> > > Devl mailing list
> > > Devl at freenetproject.org
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