On Sat, 13 Apr 2002, David T-G wrote:

> Krepta --
> ...and then krepta at juno.com said...
> %
> % Is it possible to get around the school proxy that keeps certain
> % connections from happening on my workstation there?  It's because of that
> % proxy that I can't get freenet to connect outside of the workstation.
> Odds are that it isn't; that's why it's there.  The firewall has probably
> been configured to block most ports and to block port 80 (http) for all
> machines except the proxy; you tell your browser to talk through the
> proxy, and it handles your traffic and blocks what it will.
> If you know of any open ports on the firewall and you can connect on that
> port to another server running the freenet software on that port, then
> you'd be through.  For instance, many secure machines use ssh (port 22)
> and have turned off telnet (port 23), so you could have freenet listen on
> port 23 and might sail right through the firewall.  Of course, you have
> to have a machine on the outside where you can set this up...

Is it possible to route Freenet through an anonymising proxy, like
safeweb? If not, we might want to investigate that.
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