I started pondering recently over distributed networking, which is obviously 
being achieved by Freenet, but I was thinking more along the lines of 
Hardware.  The network architecture here at school is Ethernet, with hubs 
and servers and a backbone and stuff.  I asked my teacher if it would be 
possible to connect a bunch of computers toghether with Ethernet without 
useing any central servers.  He said that it could be done, but I would have 
to use a hub.  This all seems fine to me, each computer would be a server 
AND a client, but it doesn't have any really good qualities to it without 
Freenet that I can see.  Then I got to thinking about the NICs that are in 
our computers.  They seem to be constantly recieving data even when the OS 
hasn't loaded any drivers for working with the NIC.  I asked one of my 
teachers about it and didn't get a very satisfactory explanation.  Anyway, 
if the entire workgroup, or entire room, or whatever, of computers is 
recieving ALL data traffic to and from computers in that room, or workgroup, 
or whatever, then that seems like an awful waste of energy and time and 
stuff.  Couldn't we have routers that directly connect two computers 
together for direct communication, instead of this broadcasting?  Anyway, I 
am very excited about all the things I am learning here at High Tech 
Institute and I can't wait to get into Linux/Unix. :)

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