Krepta --

...and then Aaron Ingebrigtsen said...
% I started pondering recently over distributed networking, which is 

Good for you :-)

% would be possible to connect a bunch of computers toghether with Ethernet 
% without useing any central servers.  He said that it could be done, but I 

Yeah; that's a basic peer-to-peer network.  It's all the rage today.

% is recieving ALL data traffic to and from computers in that room, or 
% workgroup, or whatever, then that seems like an awful waste of energy and 

Maybe...  That's what a NIC does, of course; that's its job.  As you
pointed out, the OS doesn't see that traffic; in fact, unless the OS
specifically tells the NIC to (which is called "promiscuous mode"),
it doesn't send up that data even when the drivers *are* loaded.

% time and stuff.  Couldn't we have routers that directly connect two 
% computers together for direct communication, instead of this broadcasting?  

You need to

- learn the differences between hubs, switches, brouters, and routers

- learn about the seven-layer networking model

- learn about the functions and differences of IP (or other networking
  protocols) addresses and MACs, which are hardware physical addresses

- learn about packet header structure and addressing

to get a better grasp of the big picture.  Your ideas aren't bad ones,
but you need some more background.

% Anyway, I am very excited about all the things I am learning here at High 
% Tech Institute and I can't wait to get into Linux/Unix. :)

Good again :-)

HAND & have fun!

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) davidtg at * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) davidtgwork at    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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