In my class at High Tech Institute we are doing various projects and
stuff useing Micorosoft Office 2000, and the very last project, due on
week 6, is PLE 6 "How to Spend $1,000,000,000".  PLE means Practical Lab
Exam, it is the final exam of the course.  Anyway, we are expected to
work on it throughout the course applying what we learn as we go along in
the class.  

Anyway, on MY Word portion of the project I am putting in a Catalog of
all the things I would buy with $1,000,000,000, and the thing is, I have
to buy things that would NOT give me any residual income at all, and I
can only spend a maximum of $100,000,000 per item type or group.  for
instance, I can't donate any more than $100,000,000 in total to the Red
Cross, even if I want to donate to different causes sponsered by the Red
Cross.  Anyone ever see "Brusters Millions" or whatever that movie is
called?  The guy had a very short amount of time to spend a HUGE amount
of money and He was not allowed to KEEP ANY OF IT, and was not alowed to
EARN ANYTHING FROM THE THINGS HE BUYS, or he won't inheret the entire and
complete fortune, of which the money he is supposed to spend is only a

One of the first things on my list of things to buy, or organizations to
donate to, is the Freenet Project. :)  I tried to get to the Espra site
at school but it was blocked.  Access not allowed.  And I tried to get to
several other sites and they were also blocked.  Oh well.  Anyway, I just
wanted to tell you guys that if I had a Billion Dollars, I would donate a
very BIG sum of money to the Freeet Project. :)

If anyone has any suggestions for organizations or groups to donate to,
please tell me. :)

I will of course be donating to Charity and Rescue/Medical organizations
and hospitals and such, but I want to get the Freedom of Speech
organizations in first. :)  I would also like to donate to Free Software
organizations and programers.  Like GNU and various Linux programers and
stuff. :)  And, oh yeah, I really want to help the Fairtunes-type of
Artist payment system so I want to donate money to my favorite artists
and stuff. :) 
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