I've just started school at HTI and I'm really haveing a lot of fun.  I
think this school ROCKS. :)  I have even found fellow hackers and pirates
here to chat with and stuff. :)

I think I may even introduce Freenet to their servers some day, when they
trust me enough to give me permision, perhaps.

Anyway, I am finaly on my way to a REAL computer career.  I'm currently
enrolled in the Computer Networking/Information Technology course, which
is 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, every week for 3 years. :)

Win2K is so much fun to work with so far.  Really.  It is MUCH more
secure than anything I've got at home. :)  And not one crash has happend
yet, even though I'm really putting it through it's paces. :)

See ya. :)
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