Since other people were describing themselves here is a dump of my home page
which describes me pretty well.  You can find it at

                     Kevin Atkinson's Home Page

                  Email: kevin at atkinson dhs org

                   Last Updated: January 20, 2002

Hi, you have reached the homepage of Kevin Atkinson, but first an
important service announcement.

A storm major storm is about to erupt, but most people don't even
release it, and even fewer understand it. What am I talking about? I
am talking about the conflict of interest between what the Internet
really means and the traditional media industries way of doing
things. What does the Internet really mean? It means uncensored
instant access to any sort of information. The key word here is
"uncensored", they, the traditional media corporations such as the
RIAA and MPAA, have no problem with the instant part but will have a
real problem with the uncensored part. I say "will" here because they
don't quite release the power of the Internet yet, but when they do
look out. Keep reading for more information.

Now that I got that out of the way, Welcome to my home page. In case
you haven't realized it by now I am not the worlds best speller. I am
a fairly decent writing but I tend to make a lot of mistakes. I
always use a spell checker, in fact I use one that I wrote myself,
but it doesn't catch everything and often I use the spell checker
rather fast and thus it is quite common for me to use the wrong word.
You have been warned. If you thing I can't write because of this that
is your own problem. All of the collage English teachers found me to
be a rather good writer.

I am currently a graduate student at the University of Maryland,
Baltimore County. I graduated with a B.S. at the University of
Maryland, Collage Park with a major in Computer Science. My currently
live in the Howard County part of Laurel, MD. I was born on May 4,
1977 in Media, PA and I lived in that state until I moved to Laurel,
MD in the summer before 2nd grade.

Okay, now that I got past the preliminaries time for the good stuff.
In the rest of this page I will share my thoughts on various issues
and tell you more about me. Check back frequently as I am going to
try to update it often. If you share any of my view points or just
find me interesting don't be afraid to contact me.


News, Updates, and Random Ramblings

2001-01-21 07:00
Well after about a week of constant fiddling I think I finally got my
web page in a state so that it reflects my view points on important
issues and some of my current interests. Expect more to come.



I have a wide variety of interests and tend to get obsessed on some
of the strangest things at time.

On Going Interests

  * Star Trek (for reasons greater then the sci-fi part)
  * Computer Science
  * Linux (previous Windows user, now hate it, for more than one
  * Mathematics
  * Physics

Current Obsessions

  * Transportation Infrastructure
  * Aaron Carter
  * Dream Street

Past Interests

  * Programming Languages (in Particular C++, Perl, and Haskell)
  * Speed Limits and other issues relating to Traffic Laws, see RDU
  * The 8-bit Atari
  * Brady Bunch
  * Lights (don't ask me why, it was a *long* time ago)


My Resume

No home page is complete with out a resume, so here is mine: PDF,
Text, Microsoft Word, RTF, Post Script


The Coming Storm

I was going to write a short essay on the issue, but that failed
miserably because there is so much I want to say about it. So,
instead ...

Some View Points

  * From the US Constitution: Congress shall have the power "to
    promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for
    limited times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to
    their respective Writings and Discoveries." Unfortunately we have
    all forgotten the true meaning of these famous words. Some things
    clearly against this goal:
      + Patents used to control standards
      + The constant extensions to the length that copyrights remain
        valid, effectually making copyrights last forever. More info
      + The anti-circumvention part of the DMCA
      + The upcoming SSSCA

  * Before this week of January 12, 2002 I strongly believed that a
    storm was brewing. Well, now after a serious of Slashdot
    articles, one after another in the latter part of this week:
      + AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat?
      + Adobe Considers Withdrawing from Asian Markets
      + Hardware Copy Protection Battles
      + Corporate America Wary of Subscription Software
      + CodeCon: A Conference for P2P Hackers
      + EFF Comments on HDTV Copy Restriction Plans
      + Your Rights Online: KaZaa Suspends Downloads
      + Anti-Copying TV Technology Creeps Forward
      + Peter Wayner Interviews Lawrence Lessig
      + MS Buys (Some) SGI Patents
      + Elcomsoft Files Motion to Dismiss
    I now believe it is about to erupt. I officially believe that
    2002 is going to be the year of hell for Open Source community
    and cyberliberties in general.

  * When I first read the slashdot article Lawrence Lessig Answers
    Your Questions, I cried, which is really saying something as I do
    not cry often. And since them I have been having a wide variety
    of fixed emotions. But I think it settled down to being scared.
    Part of my fear can best be described by the following article
    The Coming Storm by Bruce Bell. The other part of my fear is the
    fact that very few people understand what the existence of the
    Internet really means, and even fewer people see the upcoming
    battle. I know I didn't fully grasp what is going on until I read
    the Lawrence Lessig responses. We have a fundamental paradigm
    shift on our hands and hardly any one sees it. Hardly anyone sees
    that in with the existence of the Internet it is going to
    imposable to control the flow of information, period. The only
    way to stop this flow of information is to ban people all
    together from the Internet. Any sort of censorship and copy
    protection is going to be defeated, plain and simple. What is
    even scarier is that if Richard Stallman article The Right to
    Read was worded slightly differently I have a felling many people
    will not see the problem with the picture he is painting.
    However, what really is upsetting me lately is that I have
    absolutely know idea how to get the typical person to understand
    the magnitude of what is going on. I truly fell that the upcoming
    issues over the free flow of information are major, very major.
    Even bigger than the terrorist attack on the U.S. However, hardly
    any one is even aware of it, and I don't know how to make them

  * The RIAAs/MPAAs are the ultimate triumph of the bloodsucking
    middleman out to make a buck, nothing more, nothing less.
    Unfortunately, we in the past needed them to distribute content
    to the masses. But now with the Internet around they have
    absolutely no positive purpose what so ever. They deserve to die
    a miserable and horrible death.

  * Until devises like TiVo become fully user programmable I refuse
    to by one because as long as they are closed black boxes they can
    be used to limit what we can do with the recorded videos. I also
    think that TiVo should only provide the hardware and not require
    you to also subscribe to there service, especially since that
    type of information is easily available from a number of sources.

Some Links

  * Lawrence Lessig Answers Your Questions - The Slashdot article
    that woke me up on the issue
  * Peter Wayner Interviews Lawrence Lessig - Another article on
    Lawrence Lessig on Slashdot. This one is far less preaching than
    the previous and the highly rated user comments are actually
  * The Coming Storm by Bruce Bell - A good article warning the Open
    Source community on whats coming up.
  * The Purpose of Copyright by Lydia Pallas Loren - A rather long
    article remanding us what copyright laws are really suppose to be


Other View Points

I am a very opinionated person, here are of few of opinions. More can
be found thought out the rest of this home page.

  * To me, the final dialog between Q and Picard in The final episode
    of Star Trek: The Next Generation captures the very essence of
    what I am looking for in science fiction:

        Q: The trial never ends. We wanted to see if you had the
        ability to expand your mind and your horizons. And for one
        brief moment, you did.
        Picard: When I realized the paradox.
        Q: Exactly. For that one fraction of a second you were open
        to options you had never considered. That is the exploration
        that awaits you not mapping stars and studying nebulae but
        charting the unknown possibilities of existence.
        Picard: Q, what is it that you're trying to tell me?
        Q: You'll find out. In any case, I'll be watching. And if
        you're very lucky I'll come by and say hello from time to
        time. See you... Out there.

    Unfortunately, I have yet to see any good new science function
    series that do this. I think Babylon 5 tells a very good story
    however it is not really what I was looking for. I think Farscape
    has potential, but it is to early to tell. I somehow completely
    missed Earth 2 when it first aired however I am watching it now
    on the Sci-Fi channel. I think Earth 2 is a very original
    serious, unfortunately it was canceled after the first session.

    In the future I plan on writing an essay of what really made Star
    Trek: The Next Generation special, and another one explaining why
    I never really cared for Babylon 5.

    (Sep 6, 1999)

  * Even though I am do not read a lot of books I am very much a
    librarian at heart. And as a librarian I am also deeply concerned
    about the longativity of many of the web sites out there today. I
    am concerned that valuable information is going to be lost
    because no one bothers to actually store the contents anywhere
    but on the web site, and that many web sites don't last all that
    long. A good number of them do not offer anything unique but some
    do. (Jan, 2002)

  * View points on A.I Related Issues, including the meaning of true
    intelligence and the difference between a simulation and the real

  * I believe that if you made a gigantic mathematical equation
    modeling the complicates of society and solve it there will be
    only one answer and that answer is how society is evolving right
    now. Or in other words, it has to be this way. Their are no short

  * Gay people deserve to be treated as any other human beings.


My Biases

As a Human Being I, like everyone else, have some biases. I try very
hard not to let them effect my judgment, however, every now and then
you will notice them. If you are one of these people don't worry
about it. I will try very hard not to hold it against you.

  * Windows only developers, especially those that don't even know
    about the "diff" utility that "real" developers have been using
    for well over 10 years.

  * Goddie two shoes


My Stuff

Some of my Writings
    Publications that I wanted to share with the web. Many of them
    revile something about me.
Aaron Carter
    This page contains some information I have gathered on this Kid
    and well as some of some personal options on what I think of him.
    Basically, I don't think that he is the worlds best singer but I
    quite impressed with his personality.
    Aspell is an Open Source spell checker designed to eventually
    replace Ispell. Its main feature is that it does a much better
    job of coming up with possible suggestions than just about any
    other spell checker I have seen. (Started August of 1998)
    Mysql++ is a complex C++ API for Mysql (And other SQL Databases
    Soon). The goal of this API is too make working with Queries as
    easy as working with other STL Containers. I taught myself modern
    C++ is the process of creating this library. Mysql++ is no longer
    maintained by me. Please go to the official Mysql site to find
    it. (Started April of 1998)
Fandom Star Trek Chronology
    A searchable version of James's Dixon exhaustive Fandom Star Trek
    Chronology (Ver 9). James Dixon Star Trek Chronology is a great
    work that I fell is under appreciated for various reasons. For
    some time I wanted to create a searchable version of timeline so
    that it can be better appreciated. With the help of mysql I was
    finally able to easily put it on the web. With this searchable
    version you can control exactly what sources are included and
    exclude sources you thought where questionable, look at a
    specific time person, and search the data base for occurrences of
    a particular string like say "world war". (February, 1998)
    A Perl Module I wrote to manipulate Fractions meant to replace
    the old bigrat perl library. (February, 1998)
Kevin's Fractals
    A couple of fractals that I created and like. Take a look and I
    hope you enjoy them too. (January 19, 1998)
Viacom as Borg Info Page
    Around 1996 Viacom has attempted to shut down several Internet
    sites by asking them to remove anything that Paramount can
    legally hold a copyright for from their web site. This web page
    was an archive of all available information on the topic so that
    one can respond to Viacom's action in an intelligent manner.
    (Started December 1996)
Reasonable Drivers Unanimous
    The page for more reasonable traffic laws. Includes information
    on Speed Limits, Driving While Intoxicated, Emissions, CAFE
    Standards, and more. (Started on June 16, 1995 at 2 o'clock in
    the morning)
Some of my Favorite Links (rather old)
    Some of my favorite links about as it appeared in WIC: Celebrity
The Usenet Info Center
    This web site was an attempt to be "Your source for Usenet
    Information". Contains pointers to many useful Usenet FAQ's and a
    heritage browsable list of the newsgroups and a way to search for
    a group of interest. It was one of the first big attempts to
    gather all the useful information on a group in one location. (A
    project that I started in September of 94 and unfortunately have
    not been keeping up with too well since August of 95.)
My Atari 8-bit collection
    Includes The disks that want with Antic and Analog, Sio2pc disk
    images for SpartaDos, and a few of my own sio2pc utilities.


My Posts

Here are some of the posts on various forms I have made over the
years. Please don't hold anything I say against me as occasional I
tend to make a fool out of my self. :|

  * On Slashdot
  * On Usenet As: kevina at sourceforge net, kevinatk at home com,
    kevina at clark net

I also posted on RelayNet and Fido in the mid 1990's, mostly on the
Star Trek forms. If anyone happens to have archive with my posts in
them I would love it if you could send it my way.


Copyright (C) 2002 Kevin Atkinson. Verbatim copying and distribution
of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this
notice is preserved.


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