On Sun, 06 Jan 2002 14:20:39 +0100 g'o'tz ohnesorge
<gohnesorge at lh-computertechnik.de> writes:

> Laws will never do it.
> It might help if email clients had a button to click "I know this 
> source", so
> you could build a list of sources that you know, like your friends 
> and
> family, or known mailing lists; something you reply to may be added
> automatically, too, so you see the answer to it, too. Mail from 
> there would
> then be let in in the future, while everything else would go to the 
> "unknown
> source" folder, which you read only once per week in case something 
> went
> there accidentally. That should help to let you see spam much less 
> often.

I would rather have the mail filtered at the Server rather than at the
client.  I only have a 56k modem that connects at about 33k.  So, for me,
spam is a HUGE drain on my resources.  It takes Time online, which equals
electricity that could be used for other things, and phone time that
could be better spent calling a doctor or recieving an important call or
something.  I filter out Phone Solicitors, why not email spammers? :)

> I do get a certain amount of stuff that claims to be sent by myself 
> (read:
> faked sender address), but that can be filtered via additional 
> details in the
> routing list or so.

I agree, this is a problem, but easily filtered.

> The issue at the moment is that I have to click through
>  maybe ten things and
> type some text by hand to set up another filter. That should become 
> easier. A
> semi-intelligent guesser of which headers and mail body words look 
> like
> spam-talk might also be nice.

It would be nice to just click a button that tells the server to block
all mail from a particular address, or to set up something where email is
only recieved from people who are on an allow list.

It isn't nice to have to sit for an hour or two just downloading email so
that I can find out that EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE is spam and needs to be

On BBSes and QWK mail systems you can filter messages with your client,
but I never saw the BBS automaticaly filter stuff for you before sending
you your stuff.
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