For what seems like a VERY long time now, I have been trying to create,
with my very limited programming knowledge and skill, a QBasic program
that could convert Decimal numbers to Binary, and vice versa.  I gave up
on that project, but, I figured out how to program an XL Spreadsheet to
do the conversions for me. :)  For some reason I was unable to make the
embeded IF statements go any deeper than 8 levels.  So, I had to put the
HEX converters on one set, and the OCT converters on another.  Anyway, I
created two version of my Number Converstion Table, one only does DEC to
BIN and vice versa, and the first sheet is printable and makes sense on
paper.  The other version is for DEC, HEX, OCT to BIN and vice versa, and
the first sheet doesn't make as much sense when printed, so I don't use
that for number crunching on paper.

If you guys wanna see it, I can send them to one of you.  If not, thats
ok too.  I enabled Share and Protect on them, just in case someone
decided to change them but saved them when the didn't really want to save
the changes.  That way they can see what changes they made and revert the
things back. :)

Anyhow, I really like MY conversion table a heck of a lot better than the
one made by one of my instructors.

We were given a packet of various numbers in DECinary, HEXadecimal,
OCTal, and BINary, and were instructed to complete the number conversions
on the packets useing whatever methods we could devise on our own, based
on the lecture and video we watched and listened too.  Then about one or
two days later one of the instructors made up a bunch of conversion
tables to aid us in our efforts.  I didn't like the table and made my
own.  Then I added automatic conversion code to the documents so that I
can just plug the numbers in and get the answers. :)  Technicaly, it
isn't really cheating since I'm not just punching numbers into a
Scientific Calculator.  I had to UNDERSTAND the conversion process in
order to create the document.  So they can't argue that I don't
UNDERSTAND how to convert the number systems. :)

For instance, to convert from OCT, Base 8, to HEX, Base 16, I would first
convert it to BIN, Base 2, then I would convert the BIN to HEX. :)  The
first thing to remember, of course, is that all numbering systems of
today utilize the idea of "0", or null, or none, or nothing.  This means
that BIN is 0-1, OCT is 0-7, DEC is 0-9, and HEX is 0-F.  Everyone who
deals as extensively with programming as you guys would know all this by
heart, right? :)  But what about converting a really WIERD numbering
system that is Base 11?!!!! :)  Woah.  Anyway, my point is, I had not
known the basics of number conversion until the day we watched a video
produced by the Electronics department about number conversions.  Very
educational. :)

Anyway, in my class at least, we need a Table to make it simple and easy
to convert number systems.  And I believe I invented the better mouse
trap. :)


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