Hi Mohammad!

> * manager: - Init now requires a hostname, so that each manager will
> connect to a specific fcgi-server

  Good idea!

> * handler
> - Added "ServerList" directive in config file, typical use:
> Extension fcgi {
>       Handler fastcgi {
>               ServerList /tmp/sock
>               ServerList
>               ServerList
>       }
> }

  I would use "Server" rather than "ServerList", the meaning is the
  same and we don't need to add one more reserved word to the grammar.

> - I also haven't touch interpreter part since it is string type
> directive, so only one Interpreter will be allowed, I guess. Should
> each (local) server requires separate Interpreter directive?

  Ummm.. I think so.  That was meant to be the way in which the server
  could spawn new servers if necessary.

> - manager should be capable to reconnect automatically on
> disconnections.

  Yeah, it seems to be pretty important :)

> - the patch couldn't be tested with the latest svn up. The
> compilation somehow breaks on:

  Don't worry, it will take care of it.

> I tried to freshly svn co and still the problem exists, also some
> minor stuff like undefined off_t and the needs to give
> --enable-trace to ./configure

  It is fixed now.  It was because a silly error I made yesterday.

> Please check whether I'm on a correct track.

  Yeah, I think so.  BTW, when would you like me to commit your patch
  to start working on the SVN and releasing the changes in each
  version?  Could we schedule it for 0.5.0?

> Sorry that I'm being slower and slower, getting less leisure (read:
> hacking) hour per week now *-(

  It is the same of all of us, do not worry! :-)

Greetings, alo.
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