forgive me if I expresses clumsily but it's 2:30 a.m., Apache has just cost me another 10 hours I will never get back, it looks like a bunch of Cherokee bugs that were stopping the last time have been fixed and I think the only thing stopping me from succeeding is that I'm probably not reading the Cherokee documentation with a clear enough head.

What I want to do is for any point in a URL hierarchy is to return a file if it is present, otherwise execute a CGI program to render a page for that particular URL. For example,


if path is a file, return it, otherwise run a CGI script invisibly passing all the normal environment variables as you would for normal CGI. Yes I know it could use a 404 handler, well, at least I can with Apache but it's pretty ugly and the 404 for environment isn't the same as a straight CGI environment. would be marvelous if I could pepper in a hierarchy with different CGI's. Why? Don't ask. It's 2:30 in the morning.

for example,


would execute CGI script 1



would execute CGI script 0

if I can get this to work right now for single hierarchy, that would send me in to heavenly bliss. Because then I could get on with what I'm trying to do and be done with it rather than fight with web servers.

I apologize again if this isn't clear, hopefully conversation will go better in the morning.

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