>> server.c/679: Can't bind() socket (port=80, UID=0, GID=0)
> Are you sure you did edit the file?  It is trying to open the port
> 80 rather than the 81.
> Yes. I have sure. But thank you. I check and my mistake is that I
> have previous installation in with /etc/cherokee as my etc
> directory. And I have reinstalled cherokee in /usr/local. So the new
> etc is /usr/local/etc. I edited /etc/cherokee/cherokee.conf and not
> /usr/local/etc/cherokee/cherokee.  conf.
> Now all is ok.
> But, now cherokee have varwww directory in /usr/local/var/www/. How
> can I do that cherokee has its default vawww dir in
> /var/www?. Thanks. I see it in sites-enabled and sites-avaliable
> conf files, but I don't know what touch.
> Does it should be in cherokee.  conf file?

  You have to edit /etc/cherokee/sites-available/default [1] and
  change the value of the DocumentRoot entry.

  [1] It depends on the installation paths you used. It is installed
  in /usr/local/etc/cherokee/sites-available/default if you did not
  define --prefix or --sysconfdir on the configure.

Greetings, alo.
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