Alvaro Lopez Ortega wrote:

>   Damn it!!  I knew something like this would happen. :-/
>   There is something that doesn't much sense though. The PHP server
>   accepts multiple connection.. what for? :-?  I'm gonna take a look
>   at the code to try to figure out that is the reason for that odd
>   behaviour.

   I found where the "problem" is:

    for (;;) {
         * If a connection isn't open, accept a new connection (blocking).
         * If an OS error occurs in accepting the connection,
         * return -1 to the caller, who should exit.
        if (reqDataPtr->ipcFd < 0) {
            reqDataPtr->ipcFd = OS_Accept([..]);

         * A connection is open.  Read from the connection in order to
         * get the request's role and environment.  If protocol or other
         * errors occur, close the connection and try again.

  so, it seems like the libfcgi library has been written to only
  manage one connection per server..

Greetings, alo.
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