Evert wrote:
Would there be need/want for such a forum?

IMHO, good g*d no. why replace 1990s technology (mailing list) with 1980s technology (bulletin boards). Just because they're on the Web with all of the usability and speed of a BBS running on an Atari 800, it doesn't mean we should use them.

more seriously, forums are incredibly destructive to online communities. You end up with at best replication of efforts, at worst a breakdown in communications and a complete savaging of the community. For example I belonged to a speech recognition users group and the person running the mailing lists went to forums. Immediately half of the users dropped out because of usability problems and where there had been a vibrant community of contributors, there are now a few vendors and a shrinking pool of users.

so, this is why I say no.

Cherokee mailing list

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