Manolo wrote:

>> Very strange, why don't you upload the .phps files and your
>> Cherokee configuration?
> I include them.
> "test.php" -> It calls the main function 'sks_process' on line 25
> "sks_process.php" -> The concearning code is between lines 88-109
> It seems that function "proc_open" does not manage properly the stderr
> output of the binary.

  Actually, I have to admit it is weird. I have been able to reproduce
  the problem with the following test bench:

  -rwxr-xr-x 1 alo alo 40 2006-01-14 09:23 /var/www/

echo "This IS an error" >&2

  -rw-r--r-- 1 alo alo 212 2006-01-14 09:55 /var/www/proc.php

$desc = array(2 => array ("pipe", "w"));

$proc = proc_open ("/var/www/", $desc, $pipes);

if (!is_resource($process)) {
  echo "<h1>Something bad happend</h1>";

echo "".fgets ($pipe[2],4);

  By the moment, I'm logging a bug, and I will try to figure out that
  the problem is..

>>Also would be nice to know if you are using a distro package or if you
>>compiled from the source code.
> I mentioned it in my last message: Debian testing. I also include
> cherokee.conf file in this reply. Strangely, it does not contain any
> mention to php (neither do other conf. files(!?)), but php-scripts
> work ok (except for this error).

  If look at the end of the file, it include the virtual host
  configuration files.  Take a look at sites-enabled/default (which is
  the configuration file for your default virtual host), over the end
  it describe the "Extension php". :-)

  About the bug, I'm gonna try to fix it as soon as possible. If you
  want to be updated, please, subscribe to the bug:

Greetings, alo.
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