Hi Mohammad!

> This patch fixes the multiple concurrency failure in fastcgi
> (against rev. 128). Alo's previous patch sent to the list also
> included in this patch (Yes, Alo, you were right. It is better to
> have integer, not the pointer). The cause of the failure was because
> the manager relied on fcgi->id sent by the handler:
> in read_fcgi():
> return cherokee_fcgi_manager_step (fcgim, fcgi);
> In fact, all data that received by the manager from the server have
> nothing to do with the current fcgi handler. Error happened under
> certain circumstance when the manager received END_QUERY for fcgi->id =
> X, but the current fcgi->id in the manager was Y. Hence, the manager
> will set the fcgi->phase of Y to 'finished' while it should not be (it
> should be X that is set to finished, not Y). Then, the Y manager found
> out that it should be finished while the incoming_buffer is still empty.
> This patch fixes the problem by resolving the current fcgi->id based on
> the record found inside the data coming from the server instead of
> getting it from the handler. Therefore, the manager could set the phase
> and fill the incoming_buffer for the correct (fcgi->id) handler.

  Good stuff, this is actually great job!! :-)

  The patch is applied:

> After applying the patch, there is still a problem: I could never
> get 'ab -c 1 -n 1000' completed successfully because exactly in
> 501th request, the php interpreter always crashed (probably out of
> our scope, ie. PHP/libfcgi bug)

  Yeah, I got the same result yesterday. I will try to figure out what
  is happening with PHP interpreter.

  We are on the way, now we are a step nearer to get the FastCGI
  working alright, and hence to the 0.5.0 release! :-)

Greetings, alo.
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