They have real low aspect ratios (narrow side walls).

I have observed the "bicycle wheels" crowd lately growing in numbers. They get the largest wheel diameter that will fit and put the lowest aspect ratio tire on them. Not only does this look really weird, but seems to me it can be very dangerous. Personally, I'd never put low aspect ratio tires on a street car....a pothole can destroy a very expensive wheel with no protection from the tire (no sidewall) in a heartbeat. I cringe when I see this look on the older cars....just ruins the lines of the car. I've cancelled subs to car mags because they seem to have jumped on this bandwagon. The only positive thing I can say about this combo is that it does look a little better than the 13" wide 13" tall tires I've seen on cars sticking way out of the wheel wells (another dangerous combo...)

The Hannas
2 Elks Ranch

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