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> I have received
> nastygrams
> from people b*tching about how they watched the item for a week and then I
> took it out from under them. I simply inform them that I watched it for a
> week too, and just didn't bid early because the last bid is the only one
> that counts, and early bids just drive up prices.

I got a few "nastygrams" on that too.  I asked eBay about that some time
back and they actually suggested "sniping" as a legal way to long
as you didn't use any software to do the bidding for you.  I keep two copies
of my browser open - one with the item and one with a potential bid.  Keep
refreshing the item screen to see any last minute bids and be ready to place
a bid in the other screen.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  As
long as they have bidding that ENDS at a specific time, bidding at any time
is fair game.


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