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>Most embarrassing.  Picture this:  Just left Home Depot, Elky loaded with
>new 24' extension ladder, 750 ft of Romex, 4 - 50 lb. bags of salt and
>parked at Arby's getting lunch.

You got a 24' ladder in an Elky? far was it sticking up over the 
roof? I wanna see a picture of that one.....

>Come out to get in car and driver door is
>locked and stuck tighter than Willie Nelson's hatband (quote from Dan Rather
>election night 2000).

Good one....haven't heard that one.

>Not only that, it just so happened that I had the
>lock tumbler out of the passenger door, too!  Luckily, after almost
>panicking, getting pissed and inventing a few new swear words, I managed to
>finger the passenger door open after fooling with it for 10 minutes.  Whew.
>Almost stranded in a perfectly functional vehicle.  No way would I break
>glass in this thing.

Never fails....I kept a slim jim in my Elky after locking myself out twice 
in two weeks.....have you tried one yet?

Kelly C. Hanna

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