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By applying this "trick" it would let you know when you have a virus (after
the fact) but it may take a few hours or days before you get the
undeliverable reply.  Additionally, like I mentioned before, the majority of
this type of virus don't go through your address book sequentially waiting
for a reply before it gets the next address.  How would it know if you got a
reply or not?  No, most will grab the first 100 names (again a limit in the
To field of Outlook) of your address book and send itself out.

The McAfee site states, "The !0000 Hoax is mainly circulating in the
Netherlands. The e-mail content contains a "trick" how to prevent/stop
mass-mailing routines used by e-mail viruses/worms. Basically the idea
mentioned is to use a dummy !0000 e-mail contact address, so without an
actual associated e-mail address, which would fail when accessed by a
mass-mailer, thus giving the user the option to stop/block the mass-mailing.
Now the trick might work for a few viruses, it won't stop the majority of
the mass-mailers."

Just for fun, I added an entry of !0000 with no address to this message in
the To field.  In my case, using Outlook 2000 on W2K, it simply failed to
send the message because there was no address associated with it and my ISP
rejected receiving/transferring the message.  I suppose in that respect it
couldn't hurt.

Dale McIntosh
ACES #1709/TC #92 Gold
67 SS/67 Elky

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