How can I set Outlook up to use MS Word as my e-mail editor?
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John Nasta
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 10:46 PM
Subject: RE: [Chevelle-List] Check out Cars In Barns - Rotting American Muscle

>>Somebody is A) using Outlook w/ MS Word as their email editor (like me),

Thanks for the heads up....but using word as an email editor? What does that mean? You type your replies and posts in Word? I haven't ever used Word to edit emails....why would one do that (just out of curiosity)..




It means that you get all the benefits of Word as you type emails (like automatic spell check, auto-saving of drafts, sig files, etc.).

Gonna make an Outlook user out of you yet.


John Nasta

If you have a bad headache, just follow the instructions on the aspirin bottle: "Take two" and "Keep away from children"

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