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Ok guys and gals, after one week of research, phone
calls and emails I have had success!

Here's the scoop...

Super Chevy started a new magazine for Chevelle
enthusiasts that MIGHT be printed three times per
year. That magazine is called "Chevelle: Chevy's
Mid-Size Muscle". I found the magazine at Barnes and
Noble about two weeks ago. They had only one copy and
it was damagaed but I purchased it anyway. The content
is GREAT. If you haven't seen it, get a copy, you will
not be disappointed.

The first issue was Winter 2002 and is now available
via McMullen Back Issue department. Each issue is
$7.00 ($7.54 CA Residents) and $10.00 US Funds for

If we get enough people to buy, maybe Super Chevy will
print more issues in the future?

As for future issues, I have been told that they will
be available via newstand only. I've asked a few
people with McMullen-Argus about subscription
availablity and have gotten the cold shoulder. The
magazine is a special feature of sorts so they do not
offer subscrition. If we could get a large number of
potential subscriptions maybe they would take us more
seriously? I've asked what that number needs to be but
have yet to see a response.

Note: I don't work for the magazine, just like what I
see and want to share with others.

encl: reply from McMullen-Argus customer service

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Escobedo, Rosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Steven Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 4:51 PM
Subject: RE: Chevelle Chevy's Mid-Size Muscle: Back
Issue Availability

> This is the only issue we have right
now-Chevelle-Winter 2002. Each issue is
> $7.00/ $7.54 CA residents and $10.00 US Funds for
foreign.  You may send a
> check or money order to:
> McMullen Back Issues
> 2100 E. Howell Ave. Ste 209
> Anaheim, CA  92806
> Or, you may call the back issues/mail order
> department toll free at 866-601-5199 to place your
order with a credit card.
> When sending in payment, please make sure to include
magazine title, month
> and year.
> ***************
> If you have any questions about an article or if you
need to find out what issue
> it was featured in, please call 714-939-2559 and ask
for the editor of the
> magazine you are inquiring about.
> Thank you,
> Rosa Escobedo
> Customer Service Representative
> Back issues/mail order

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