Hey D.R.
    and others, My wife is in the union and has been a "millwright"for ten years and she knows all about tools being a write-off/probally more than me and i'v been a mechanic all my life,so its not nessecerally a guy thing, and further more, it may be me but "my little bride" and being "equal" are not positive statements dude,and  as a man can tell ya they are offensive and since when do ya get married ta be equal? I'm not responding ta this ta pick a fight, it is just some thing that didnt sit well with me so i had ta respond, sorry for the deviation for the "chevelle" topic.............................................
             Rob Means
"be good,if not,be good at it
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-List] Handy Tools

thanks D.R.:
i have been thinking about buying those.in fact i may hit sears Sunday. buddy you need to regroup on the equal thing. just ask her where that 100 (or 50 )  dollar pair of shoes is 2 years from now. my "bride" use to give me a bad time about all my tools and i showed her how long ago i bought them. then i asked her to show me a 10 year old dress. Plus every year at tax time I show her all my write-offs. tools are a part of being a guy!
                                          Larry (Z)

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