tony just want to ad my .02. i also have a blast cabinet from HFT. The red ONE !
A few suggestions.
You already replaced the cheap hose from the hand gun to you air source.
 I  mounted a 4in sq. electrial box and hard wired the light and vac to one switch
mounted a air/water trap just B-4 the balster to mimnimize H2o. any moisture will severely hamper the efficiency of the media siphioning.
After awhile I had to replace the hand triger to a foot valve from TIP.
My next improvemnt will be replacing the 12v florescent with a 112v flood light.
I have also found a CHEAPER sorce for glass bead media from local body/supply house compared to Eastwood ot TIP..
Blast ON.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-List] Blast Cabinet nozzles


I suppose its a siphon feed.   The cabinet is where I pour all the media into the bottom, under the grate.  There is a tube that runs from the bottom of the hopper to the top of the grate, where a hose takes it to the gun. the gun has another connection running to the compressor.

I picked the cabinet up from Harbor Tools and seems to be pretty well made, especially with the cost.  The assembly and operation instructions were not good at all, however.

Do you know if I have to have the suction running all the time from the shop-vac hooked to the dust port?

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