>I  certainly see this as an option. The TH400 I had in the car is beautiful. I  would have no trouble with it in there
>again, except for the hard spot I find  myself in with $2000 in the 4 speed I have now. The place that did the trans
>is in the link.  What do you think about their 700 Raptor?  They talk  about upgrading a lot of stuff.

>It is  similar to holding onto a stock that is going down, hoping some day it will  somehow recover the 80% it has
>went down and you can get out even....   Putting it that way you are right.  I do not like the sound of it   :|

All I got was a blank page in both browsers....not a good sign....:) I'll check back later and see if they are back up....
I understand the frustration...I had a "good buddy" that said he could rebuild the tranny...that cost me $300...then I got it done at a pro's shop for $1600...when I got it back it wouldn't chirp second gear...very slow shifts....I understand you wanting to get it right....just hope you don't throw good money after bad.

Kelly & Jana Hanna

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