>In  PA they have a required minimum diameter of 15 inches for the steering wheel.  They state that in an emergency
>situation with a smaller diameter wheel you can  not control the car properly. I have seen some of the smaller
>steering wheels  come through my sop, and the people never installed a horn button on them which  the horn in required
>for inspection in my home state.The one state trooper told  me many years ago that the turning rate of the steering
>wheel changes too much  when they put the smaller custom steering  wheels on making it too hard to  correct or avoid a
>dangerous conditions when the event would arise. The worst one I have ever seen, a guy with an older CJ Jeep brought
>it in  for inspection with a pair of vise grips locked on the steering shaft and the  horn wire hanging loose to show
>me the horn worked by touching the worked by  touching the wire against the shaft. I can no tell you how upset he was
>and the  words he chose to describe me, the inspection laws were. Go  figure....
I have a 14" Grant GT (13.5"?) and it's fine for controlling the vehicle. I can understand the need for a wheel, but the 15" minimum leaves out the Pontiac Firebird Formula & T/A (and a few others) since the wheels on those were only 14" from the factory....kinda renders that a dumb part of the code.
Anyone know if there's a clause in Texas for this rule?

Kelly & Jana Hanna

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