  I believe you have to make the repairs yourself. I have been told the best way do this would be to have the process done once. $$1800.00$$ Then make all the panel repairs as required by the lack thereof.<G> Finish by having the process repeated a second time. A 3,600 dollar total. If there was a facility closer to me I would actually consider this option. However I think I'm leaning towards making the panel repairs 1st and then have it dipped and E-coated. I only hope I find any possible hidden cancer. Soon as I get my hands on a rotisserie I can get started. I haven't had any luck locating one of those locally either.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-List] State inspection? Correction

I heard that when you your body, sometimes the body is so rusted, that the "part" of the panel is complety rusted through and the chemical stripping leaves a hole in it, as it is supposed to remove rust.  well, in this company, what happens when it is rusted that badly?  do they repair the panel and then ecoat it?  
----- Original Message -----
From: Wayne
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 4:29 PM
Subject: RE: [Chevelle-List] State inspection? Correction

Pa in starting to make some strict changes in the way you register your cars. Street Rods, Classics, Antiques are all allowed by law to be driven one day per week and that is it.. This has been for a while but I have been informed they are starting to tighten all of this up. Registering a car with a blower out of the hood is not a problem. Getting the car inspected is though. You allowed a maximum of 4 inches and it can not interfere with the drivers vision. I know I turned one guy away because of this, as much as I hated too. But having a license in my back pocket I have to protect my job and shop. The issue with all the new lights is more of the way people are sticking the clear lens and colored bulbs in, mainly around here would be the kids with their Honda's etc. The last word we got direct from the State at our shop was things are changing and they will be enforced. And that was from the guy doing the audit on our record book. At our shop we don't see many street machines and the ones we do see are street legal.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Wayne Kline
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-List] State inspection? Correction

If the others states are like PA , They have alot of obscure DOT law regarding vechial state inspection.
example. in Pa for a none street rod or colectoe Vechial plate. you can not  change exhaust systems, chang tire to mor the one size  +/- orginial or change the dia of the Steering wheel. the were having a feild day in the hight of the off road 4X4 days with tires,bumper hight,headlamp location adjustment.
In Pa they have been on a fact finding mission for the last two years to finalize, a unaform inforement policy. I can't wait to see what these guy/gals come up with.
Last Feb 01 the dot had a meeting in Harrisberg open to the community. They showed pictures of pro street cars with antique tages, classic taged  cars with blowers stuck out of the hood and street rods, that had no winshild wipers of fenders !! Not to mention a truck load of photos of safety violation from lights to a T bucket with a suicide front ends ,no brakes and a moon fuel tank.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-List] State inspection? Correction

What does a steering wheel have to do with a state inspection anyway? This just sounds like another ploy by some states to make the hobby go away. I was stationed in Texas(love the state) back in the early '60's and I had a '49 Olds. If they had required inspections back then they wouldn't have let me put air in the tires, let alone put it on the road to drive.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:02 PM
Subject: RE: [Chevelle-List] State inspection? Correction

>2 of  our towns state inspectors got fined $1200 plus the business was also fined  $1200 for passing a car with a
>aftermarket steering wheel. This has everyone  scared. I live in a very small town 5k people.  40 miles out of  
>Going  even more rural to get my sticker.
I wanna know why they can dictate this when they sell them legally in stores. I didn't have any trouble getting my SS passed in Quitman, Texas with my Grant GT wheel.

Kelly & Jana Hanna

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