My driveshaft is offset a bit left of center when viewed from the back of the car. A driveline buddy of mine says this is deliberate in order to make sure the driveshaft never arrives at zero degrees of offset through the suspension travel. Could you guys please tell me if the driveshafts in YOUR cars are offset at all? By offset I mean laterally. So if you were looking at a "plan view" of the chassis (that is, a bird's eye view), the driveshaft would be slightly left of center at the transmission tail shaft so a slight angle would be present between the trans and the differential. Or maybe the differential would be slightly offset.

BTW, this would NOT generally be evident in assembly manual drawings, etc. You'd sure enough see it if the car was on a hoist and viewed from the rear, however. This is important to me in my quest to debug my driveshaft. Also, not all platforms has this offset - only those the engineers determined could arrive at zero at some point in the travel of the suspension. We're only talking about a 1/2 inch or an inch, by the way. Nothing dramatic but you can see it readily.

Craig E.

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