Title: Message
Yep, they all do that.  The Kodak is a pretty decent entry level camera.  You will be hard pressed to find one that is easier to use that this.  If you get the dock and rechargeable battery that comes with the dock, you may never need to buy a battery for it.  Get a decent memory card, and you may never have to do anything other than dock the camera.  I know how easy this is, because I bought the 4330, dock, and a128 MB card for our daughter's Pre-School for the teachers to use. 
As for taking pictures of three year olds, I've had a digital for about three years and have taken hundreds of pictures of our almost 4 year old daughter.  At least with the digital you can review the pictures, trash the bad ones and then re-take the ones that did not work.

Brad Waller

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig Ellis
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 6:25 PM
To: Chevelle
Subject: [Chevelle-List] digital cameras

I have what is probably a silly question. I just picked up a Kodak 4230 digital camera just for snapping pics of cars and stuff for ebay, etc. However, I noticed that it does not work like my regular camera in that there is a delay between when you press the shutter button and when it actually takes the photo. Drives me nuts. My question is, are they ALL like this or just this Kodak. I mean, imagine trying to take a picture of a three year old when there's a 1.5 second delay. Shoot, my kids move so fast that by the time the shutter clicks they're in the next room.
Craig E.


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