On Thu, 19 Jun 2003, Dave Studly wrote:

> Bob, in theory, you're basically right.  Disconnecting the sway bar, I
> believe, allows a little more front suspension extension, thereby helping
> weight transfer.  But, you need to be launching pretty hard (like, say, an
> 11 second car, or something that has a 60-foot time of 1.6 or lower) to get
> to the point where that'll come into play.  Also, most cars do twist (torque
> roll as you say) a little on launch.  The left front comes up higher than
> the right front.


Thanks for clearing it up. It looks like the only time it affects anything 
is when one wheel tries to lift. Otherwise, since the bar should be free 
to rotate in the bushings, there would be no effect. 

Bob Holtzman
Return with us now to those thrilling days of 
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